Now Available:
Introduction - PDF
Chapter 1
By Design - PDF
Chapter 2
The Need Meeter - PDF
Chapter 3
The Need Cheater - PDF
Chapter 4
Shopping - PDF
more to come...
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OMOW is an extension of basic music ministries. It is a Scriptural study of the God-designed male/female relationship - one man and one woman. There are so many ideas of how to do dating and courtship and marriage in our world today. We think the best one comes from our Creator, who designed us and knows how we best work. One Man, One Woman, With God, For Life.
Youth Group Presentation
Our basic OMOW presentation works well in a weekly youth meeting setting. We can tailor it to your group's needs (time, interactivity, etc.) From Jr High through College age, this topic is a hot one! If you'd like to book us for your youth activity, e-mail us at
Camps, Retreats...
Why not make it a whole week or weekend event! There is so much to cover, this format may work the best. For a specific group (youth, college, singles) or just for a general group... spending time together learning how God designed us to relate to each other is incredible! To book us for a retreat or camp week, e-mail us at
OMOW - The Book
We are currently working on our book version of our OMOW presentation. Two preview chapters and an introduction are available for download in the PDF format. Click on the links to the left. If you'd like more info on the OMOW book, e-mail us at