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![]() God Came The Christmas Album
More basic music!
Hello friend! Did you know that it's been nearly two years since you received an email from us in this format? That's a good long time! We've experienced a whole lot in that span, as I'm sure have you. And such is life: the experience. There are moments of good, moments of bad (sometimes really bad), and everywhere in between. Well, while life marches forward, some things do remain constant. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God never changes. That's a promise worth holding on to. And while our understanding of him may change as he reveals more of himself to us, and as we grow in our trust of him, one thing we can rely on is that He does not change. As I write this to you, I hope that you are experiencing that. Sometimes I find it hard to experience the truth I know. There are days, weeks, long years of life piled upon you... but there he is, right there with you. One thing that I hope our music doesand the stories in my books, and even our in-person events, on stage and off the stageis remind you of this faithfulness, this trustworthiness. The songs do not posess life, or hope, or encouragement, but they do focus us on the One who is all of thatand more. We're approaching Thanksgiving... and Christmas... and probably the busiest time of the year for most of us reading this. Be sure to take time to thank himeven for the stuff you don't really feel thankful forand to remember to give, just like he did. And like he does. ![]() A Request If you haven't listened to a CD of ours lately, or you haven't read any of the three books, or visited the blog or pulled us up on Spotify... please do so. I hope you will be encouraged, as I said above. And if you are... Would you consider taking part in our year-long event, The Great |basic| Disc Run of 2013! by purchasing a few CDs as Christmas presents? The price is $5/CD, and that includes shipping. You can't even download our music for that! We have a good many CDs here in stock, and we'd so love for them to be out, being usedby people, and by the God who loves them. All you have to do is use this email (see the sidebar to the left?) to order whichever albums you'd like. Or you can visit the slightly more elaborte page we created for this purpose: There's a Facebook "Like" button on that page. Share it with your friends. Or just past the URL into your "status" on Facebook, or Twitter. You'll be helping us... and I hope, you'll be helping someone else. Someone that you care about. Please consider purchasing as many as you can. And if you can not, maybe just spread the word. (And if you'd like some discs but can't pay for them right now, let us know. Just reply to this email.) By signing up for the email you already have said that you have in some way been positively impacted by our music, books, or some other piece of our lives. That's great. Thanks for your support over many years now. If you are able to jump in on the "Great Disc Run", too, that would be an additional great. Grace and Peace to you in abundance. PS: As I said, this is definitely something worth sharing! So if you think of someone who might be encouraged/uplifted/challenged by any of our books/music, please pass along the enews link so they can read this email, too: http://basicmm.com/enews Thanks so much. And we'd love to hear from you! If you have a story to share that is somehow connected to a song or album or story or book of ours, please email it to us. It's always great to hear what God is doing!
One more thing. Since it has been two years... may I encourage you to read the previous newsletter? It's actually a similar theme to the "Request" above, but it's worth the read again. Some things are just as true the second, or third time around. It's titled, "Ghosts of basic past". If you have the time, enjoy.
![]() It's true! There will be basic sightings out in the wild pretty soon. (There already was one just last month!) It's not much, but during this long growing-young-family hiatus, the chances to hear us in person are few and far between, for sure. Last month we were able to sing for about an hour at the East Palmyra Christian School Harvest Festival and Auction. (That's a mouthful!) This has been an annual event for at least a decade, and maybe more! We always enjoy our time there. In November, we have another repeat visit coming up, two weeks from today at Impact Theatre, right in our own town: Palmyra, NY. The following month we were asked to join a few other musicians in providing music for a coffee house/fundraiser event at Willowbrook Christian Church in nearby Victor, NY. It's not much, but it's fun for us to get out there and sing, and if you happen to be nearby, hopefully you can make it out to one of these events, too! NOV 22 - 7:00PM - IMPACT THEATRE - PALMYRA, NYThis month, Impact Theatre is doing a dinner theatre! Free Italian dinner served before the concert! (Starts at 6:30pm, arrive before that.) All you need to do is make a reservation. You must make a reservation. There's a good chance that if you do not, you'll be turned away at the door, because of the limited seating capacity. To reserve your spot(s), just visit their website: www.impactdrama.com. DEC 7 - 6:00-8:30PM - WILLOWBROOK MISSIONS TEAM FUND RAISER - VICTOR, NY$5 donation at the door gets you an enjoyable evening of music (including us!) and food/snacks/games ... contact Tammy Perez for more information. Or, find out more at their Facebook event page. ![]() I do hope the music and/or books are an encouragement to you as you live life with our incredible Father. I'm glad we can share them with you! Don't forget, if you want to read this, or other e-newses online, go to basicmm.com/enews. See ya out there! Greg & Jen Campbell basic |
Copyright © 2013 basic music ministries. All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 53 - Palmyra, NY 14522 315.597.4149 - info@basicmm.com - www.basicmm.com - online version of basic e-news |