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Upcoming Gigs Check the calendar for a performance near you! Details below.
for the full holiday list:
www.basicmm.com/calendar |
Hi Everyone! We are back from a week of vacation in Maine! Was a great time as a family, and bonus... Grandma took the kids for the first three days! Yipee!! A little Greg & Jen time is always a good thing! So, now that we're back, I wanted to update you on the upcomings and already happeneds here in basicland! There are some events coming up next weekend that we wanted you to know about. And, with a bunch of other stuff going on, I need to keep this pretty short, so, here we go! Upcoming Gigs Back in July... of 2004... our friends at the Impact Theater in Palmyra, NY, asked if we were available for their November show night... in 2005. We were. And now, almost a year and a half later, we're ready to go! The concert will be next Friday, November 18th at 7:00pm. It's a free event, and they definitely do it right! They recommend that you make reservations, either through the website, or just call (315) 597-3553. See ya there! And for our Binghamton friends, we'll be returning to the First Church of Christ for their Harvest dinner night. That will be Sunday evening, November 20th around 7:00pm. (I'm sure there will be stuff before and after that time.) Call the church for details: (607) 648-3252. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! It's that time of year again... well, almost. We're fast approaching the Christmas season, as the retail stores are quick to let us know with their October Christmas decorations. :-) We will be performing Christmas music all over NY again in the month of December. Many of the spots we have played before, and a few new ones, (like the new coffee house right here in Palmyra, Coffee Creek!) We would love to see you guys out there for either your Christmas shopping (the Wal-Mart gig) or a cup of holiday cheer (the coffee house gigs) or a nice dinner with family (a church Christmas dinner). Wherever we might catch you, we look forward to seeing you. :-) Visit our calendar page for the full schedule: basicmm.com/calendar |
![]() Since you are getting in the Christmas shopping frame of mind... I did want to remind you that the most recent studio project we released (last fall) was our God Came CD that is full of great Christmas carols done in a new "basic" way, as well as two basic originals, including the title track. It's a really fun collection of Christmas favorites, that you'll want to play year round! (Seriously... we do, and we have some friends who have told us they play it even in the summer time...) :-) The CDs sell for $15 at our website, and if you check our e-store there are links to the many other places you can buy the CD, including Amazon.com, and iTunes. If you're looking to bolster your Christmas music collection, we'd like to recommend this CD. If you are wanting to get a cool gift for friends or family, we'd like to recommend this CD. If you just really wanted to make a donation to basic music ministries, we'll send you free CDs for each $15 donation. ;-) (he he) :-) We do think you'll love the CD if you do not already have it, and just wanted to extend this invitation to check it out, at our store, or any of the stores linked from that page, including......... Welcome To The Digital Era iTunes. The world's leading distributer of online music. We are definitely hooked. If we want/need new music, that is the first place we check. Albums are $9.99 or less (sometimes a bit more) and songs are $0.99/each! Great deal. We mentioned a few newsletters back that iTunes now carries almost every basic song available (except for the few live CDs we have released) but now there's more! They have a few nifty features I wanted to tell you about: (1) Gifting: You can now send people songs that they will own on their computer (or can burn to CDs)! So, if you wanted to send a friend our Christmas CD, as mentioned above, you could go to that page in iTunes and click the little "Gift" icon and then when you buy it, it will be emailed to that friend instead of being downloaded to your computer. Pretty neato. (2) iMix: Not a new feature, but a handy one I wanted to let you know about. If you go to the main iTunes Music Store page, you'll see a link for iMixes. These are playlists that people have put together and uploaded to the iTMS as an "iMix" that other people can find (throuh a search for an artist or album or something) and listen to/purchase those songs. You can make playlists from your favorite music, and include a basic song or two... or all of them if you like... and that will help a few more people find our music. And, I bet you'll have fun doing it! :-) (3) Reviews: They have also added a feature where customers can review each CD available at iTunes, including ours! So, if you are so inclined, we'd love for you to write a short review of any (or all?) of the CDs for other people to read that might help them in deciding to check the music out. Just click on any of the CD links below to go to the album page in iTunes, and start reviewing! That feature is not limited to iTunes either. If you would like, you can also leave reviews at: CD Baby: cdbaby.com/all/basicmm Amazon: basic CDs at Amazon Thanks for your feedback, and helping other people discover our music :-)
For a convenient link to all of our albums in one place at iTunes, click here. On A Personal Note... Just wanted to let you know some of the things we're doing here as we wrap up. I mentioned vacation. That was wonderful. We look forward to that one week where it's just our family, relaxing, playing and enjoying each other's company for one full week. Great stuff. Aside from that, we are definitely still keeping busy around here. My (Greg's) web design business has become a full-time endeavor. Check out some of the stuff I've been doing at the BWD website: www.bwd-graphics.com. And, if you have not heard yet, I have begun another podcast, besides the basicmm radio podcast. I started a show called the Buffalo BIlls Review with my brother-in-law and another friend, and we're having a blast... and apparently so are our listeners! We've gotten lots of great feedback from all over the country, even all over the world! If you haven't checked it out, I would encourage you to, even if you're not a Bills fan. It's pretty fun stuff in general, but obviously moreso for Bills/Football fans. We have done cool in-depth interviews with a few former players (Don Beebe, Darryl Talley) and have one scheduled for a week from Monday with Frank Reich, who has some amazing football stories, and is also a Jesus follower. I am looking forward to talking with him. That show will post sometime at the end of November. So... I'm having fun. :-) The kids are growing up! Ian is almost SEVEN, and doing so well with reading and his other school work. Mom has him at a second grade level and beyond in some areas! Alex is jumping right in also, at age four. He likes to keep up with big brother. :-) Kirsten is now approaching two years old (Feburary) and is super cute, and also loves to keep up with both big brothers. Jen is doing well with the baby. It's getting bigger (and so is she...) :-) And really starting to move around in there. All is healthy and well. Thank you for praying for us through this pregnancy and last. We are excited to meet this baby, even though we are still months away. ![]() Don't forget, if you want to read this, or other e-newses online, go to basicmm.com/enews. Hope to see y'all out there sometime soon! Greg & Jen Campbell basic
handy links:
basicmm.com || basicmm.com/radio || greg's blog bwd-graphics.com || gregsapples.com || buffalo bills review |
Copyright © 2005 basic music ministries. All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 36 - Palmyra, NY 14522 315.597.4149 - info@basicmm.com - www.basicmm.com - online version of basic e-news |