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![]() gregshead.net/bookstore All of Greg's books are now availble in one convenient location. Stop by the new online bookstore today and get a copy of Greg's two new books, Life In The Rearview Mirror, and There's The Steeple... Here's The Church.
East Palmyra Harvest Festival & Auction Hi everyone! Believe it or not, we've got a gig coming up! Wanted to get this e-news out to you before this weekend, in case you have a chance to join us! Here's the details... Saturday, Oct 14th - 3:30pm - East Palmyra, NY For the (?) year in a row, we are singing at the East Palmyra Christian School Harvest Festival & Auction. (Try saying that three times in a row!) It's a fun day with activities and games for kids, lots of great food, and an auction that raises money for the school. It's a great event, and we're glad to be a part of it again. I believe the whole event goes from 3pm to 7pm, but we'll be singing from 3:30 till around 4:30, probably. Hope you can join us! Time: 3:30-4:30pmWe have already booked our first event for the Christmas season. We'll be singing at a senior living center nearby here on December 2nd. Look for several more to pop up on the calendar soon! For complete calendar listings, visit: basicmm.com/calendar Campbells In The Fall The fall is a fun time for our family! We're celebrating birthdays and anniversaries all over the place! Alex just turned 5 on October 5th, so we had a fun "5" themed party for him on that day. We did 5 fun things, most of which involved 5 of something. :-) It was fun. Coming up this fall, we'll celebrate our 9th anniversary next week (18th), Jen's birthday is on the 28th, and then mine is November 30th, and Ian celebrates his 8th birthday on December 25th! Wow! 8 years old!!! If you'd like to keep up with some fun photos, movies, and stories from the Campbell family, Jen keeps a website updated pretty regularly at: WeTheCampbells.net. Stop by and check it out! Other Happenings As many of you know, we are on a bit of a hiatus from performing our music. That has been refreshing, and seems to us to be definitely led by God. We're grateful for the time to just grow as a family, and as individuals, and to deepen relationships with friends and neighbors in our community. It's been fantastic. "But what have y'all been doing," you might ask? Lots! The main thing God has replaced the musical endeavors with seems to be my web design business. It is going very well, and it's been so fun to see God providing through that, as He has done so faithfully and lovingly through our music over the years. It's been eye-opening to me to see him provide through a "business", rather than a ministry. It's easy to understand that if you are out actively telling people about him, that he would take care of your finances (at least for me...), but I have learned that it's not a reward for doing something "for him"... he just loves us, and provides for us. We are definitely learning and growing in our understanding of his incredible love for us. Also, as you probably know, I published two books this year... more on that below. In addition to that I continue to keep a blog at GregsHead.net, and have been enjoying the second season of doing the Buffalo Bills Review. We've been able to connect with Buffalo Bills fans from all over the world this season! Fun! I have also enjoyed connecting people with Apple computer products (computers, iPods, etc.) since the Summer. Apple even sent me a certificate of achievement and a pin! I'm now officially an "Apple Products Professional". :-) Check out my Apple stuff at the new GregsApples.com. I keep a blog, and even a podcast there. So that's what's happening! Thanks for asking! ;-) |
Books Update ![]() I will likely be doing some local book signings this fall, and I'll announce those here once they are set. I am currently on the schedule for January to do just that at our local Palmyra library. You can come out and get a copy or two of the books there, or, you can order through my online bookstore: gregshead.net/bookstore. Actually, I even have a free, downloadable PDF version of the "Church book" at the GregsHead bookstore. I think it's been downloaded over 250 times now! Nice! So, if you are ok with reading a book on your computer, or laptop... and don't have the cash to purchase a book, grab your free download today! :-) Just by way of a reminder, I will include the descriptions of the two books from a previous e-news. If you haven't gotten to check them out, I hope you will. There is a synopsis at my website, or you can get a preview I believe at Amazon.com. You can just click through the links on the GregsHead site. Glad we can share the journey with you through this new medium. (Books, instead of music.) Enjoy. Life In The Rearview Mirror: Reflections on Life Lived (June 2006) Life In The Rearview Mirror is a collection of stories and thoughts on life, much like A Journey Shared before it. It's an easy read because most of the chapters are 2-3 pages long, and you can pick up and read as much or as little as you like. It's a good coffee table sorta book. In fact, in one description somewhere, I said it reads a bit like a conversation with a good friend down at the local coffee shop. :-) This book is also available from the publisher, iUniverse, in Adobe eBook format, for $6.00. There's The Steeple... Here's The Church (July 2006) This book is essentially a chronicle of the thought processes God has brought us through over the past year or so regarding the reality of his kingdom and his church. I am excited to get it to folks, to encourage them, and perhaps for God to use the stuff he has had me thinking through to open hearts and eyes to the greatness of life in His Kingdom. Do you go to church looking to connect with God and with people, and find that you often leave feeling like you missed out on that very thing? Do you feel like maybe there's more to life with God than what happens in your local church buidling? There is! Jesus spoke of worship being transcendant of a time and place (John 4) and that is true of his church as well. The church was never meant to be located to a time, or a building, or a service... it's the people who belong to Jesus! We are his body, the family of God. The church is so much more than we let it be, and in this book, I explore all sorts of things that God has opened my eyes to over the past several years. This project means a lot to me, and I hope you'll find encouragement from a fellow traveler within these pages. We published this one on our own, so that we could keep the book price down. We are selling them for $10, but we also offer a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD of the entire book. (Donations are always welcome... visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to get the free download.) :-) It seems to us that we are missing out on so much of life with God because we are so busy with the many ways we have to serve him! What a crazy paradox! But it's true, and perhaps you have experienced that as well. I encourage you to read this book, and perhaps you'll see again how God is drawing you into the close, personal relationship he wants so much to have with you! ![]() We look forward to seeing you THIS SATURDAY in East Palmyra, if you can make it. Otherwise, hope to see you out there somewhere else. Don't forget, if you want to read this, or other e-newses online, go to basicmm.com/enews. See ya out there! Greg & Jen Campbell basic |
Copyright © 2006 basic music ministries. All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 36 - Palmyra, NY 14522 315.597.4149 - info@basicmm.com - www.basicmm.com - online version of basic e-news |