basicmm.com |
Our home page: everything basic. |
gregshead.net |
Greg's main blog: Fairly frequent philosophical musings from Greg's head. And now a centralized source for all of Greg's Books: gregshead.net/bookstore! |
bwd-graphics.com |
Greg's Day Job: Affordable, completely custom graphic and web design. Web hosting packages available as well. |
GregsApples.com |
If you're into Apple computer products, you can find them here, and support basic with your purchase! Greg is now officially an Apple Authorized Business Agent. GregsApples.com is completely revised, with a regularly updated blog, and even a podcast. It is a great starting place to find the perfect Apple products for you! |
buffalobillsreview.com |
Greg's Fun Side Job: A show by Bills fans, for Bills fans. Greg and co-hosts Josh Bowers and Dave Drake talk Buffalo Bills football. Download the shows from the website or at the iTunes Music Store.

search.gregshead.net |
Start your Amazon.com shopping here! When you go to search.gregshead.net, you can use the search window to look for anything at Amazon, and Amazon will pay us a commission on your purchase! Get some great stuff, at a great price, and help support basic and GregsHead.net! A definite win, win! |
All of Greg's books are now availble in one convenient location. Stop by the new online bookstore today and get a copy of Greg's two new books, Life In The Rearview Mirror, and There's The Steeple... Here's The Church.
Hello Friends!
It's time for another basic enews update! We have a few events coming up over the next several weeks and wanted to let you know about that. It's coming up on the Christmas/holiday season and we're gearing up to do a bunch of Christmas-related events. We also have some other fun news to share. Read on!
Well the weather outside is not yet frightful, but our calendar is beginning to fill up with Christmas shows! We'll be singing at our regular Christmas locations (Eastview Mall, Earthtones and Fairport Village Coffee houses, even Wal*Mart in Newark, NY again!) and a couple new locations with friends (not just a "basic" event). INCLUDING THIS SATURDAY!
Here's a list of the gigs so far:
Saturday, Nov 18th - 8:00pm - Webster, NY
This Saturday, Greg will be doing a solo show along with two other singer/songwriters who are also good friends. Jim Drew is arranging the event and says he has done a few in his new home of Nashville, TN. We will all be on stage together, singing our own songs one at a time, while the other two join the singer in a sort of adlib, improv fashion. Should be interesting! Mike Muscarella is the third participant. You know Mike's stuff from our last three basic CDs. Mike plays electric/lead guitar for us in the studio and in person, on occasion. Come spend an evening with us (Jen will be there, too!) :-) in Webster, NY this Saturday! Joe Bean's Coffee house.
Venue: Joe Bean Coffee & Tea House
Time: 8:00-9:30pm
Directions: click here for directions
Contact: (585) 265-4710
Saturday, Dec 2nd - 10:00am - Phelps, NY
This one is the first of two events we'll be doing with the Mahoney family, friends of ours who go by the name Sound Mind. Their oldest son (the lead singer) works with a couple nursing homes, and has arranged for us to do a christmas concert with them at their two locations. The other will be the following Saturday at the Newark location where we sang last year. Always a good time! They love our kids, too. :-) Come join all of us and spread some holiday cheer!
Venue: Vienna Gardens Senior Living Center
Time: 10:00am
Contact: (315) 548-5116
We will be doing most of our gigs in December during one week, the 2nd through the 9th. I will send another eNews with more details on the individual events in a couple weeks, but for now, here's a list of what's scheduled right now:
12/5 - Fairport, NY - Fairport Village Coffee - 7:30pm
12/6 - Webster, NY - Earthtones Coffee - 7:30pm
12/7 - Victor, NY - Eastview Mall - 5:30-6:30pm
12/8 - Newark, NY - Calvary Church: Christmas Dinner Concert - 6:00pm (TENTATIVE)
12/9 - Penfield, NY - Alpha & Omega Bookstore: Book Signing and Christmas Music - 3:00pm
12/9 - Newark, NY - Armstrong Senior Living Center (w/Sound Mind!) - 6:00pm
12/23 - Newark, NY - Walmart - 12:00-2:00pm
For complete, up-to-date calendar listings, visit: basicmm.com/calendar
I think I mention this every Christmas season, but it bears repeating, so if you'll allow me a brief "sales pitch"... :-)
Around this time of year, we all start shopping for gifts for our family and friends, looking for just the perfect gift, and often on a budget. Well, I am not sure I would go so far as to say a basic CD or one of Greg's books is the perfect gift... :-) But it is definitely a good option! :-) We have changed the price on all of our music to $10, so it's also even more affordable.
New in 2006, Greg has published two more books! One is called Life In The Rearview Mirror and features stories from all areas of life. I call it a chat with a friend over a warm beverage at a coffee shop. Stories of family, God, money, blended families and divorce, and a variety of other topics that most of us can connect with in some way.
The second book is titled There's The Steeple... Here's The Church and is a chronicle of our journey with God these past couple years. We all have learned that the church is a building, or something we do on Sunday mornings, or a 501c3 organization recognized by the government... but in reality it's none of those and so much more.
Jen & I continue to learn what it means to really live everyday life with Jesus and his body, the Church. To follow where he leads, as the head of his body, and to witness the greatness of the church that he builds. If you have ever wished there was more than Sunday mornings, Wednesday meetings, planning meetings, youth group, and all of the stuff we do as a church... you might be interested in the things we have been thinking through, and that I have been able to publish in this book. We printed these ourselves (as we do with our CDs) so I am able to offer them for a bit less. These are only $10, and if you are a computer geek like me, you can download a FREE PDF from my GregsHead.net website.
And as we have mentioned since we made the disc in 2004, we would love for you to have a copy of our Christmas CD, God Came. We actually think it's the best of all five of our CDs! We even put it in our own regular playlist during the Christmas season. Actually, we have a few friends who listen to it year round! That's a pretty good endorsement, I'd say!
We have lowered the price on that CD (and our others, as I mentioned before) so you can get those for $10 from our online store, or you can purchase any of our music through iTunes. In fact, they have created this snazzy little iMix thing that you can publish to a website (like this email) so you can click through any song below and it will open the link to it in iTunes where you can listen to samples, and then purchase (or even give it as a gift to someone else!) That's another great option for getting some basic music for the holidays! :-) Albums on iTunes are $9.99.
Alright, thanks for allowing me a moment of your time. We'd love for you to have the music, or the books if you do not currently have them, or if you are able to purchase them as gifts, that's great too! Much better that they are out encouraging people in their relationship with God than sit here waiting for a home. Ha. There ya go! Adopt a CD or Book this Christmas, and give them a home. :-)
Thanks for reading, and happy shopping! :-)
(PS... if you really would like to order a bunch for family and friends, just e-mail us and we'll figure out a reduced price for your bulk order!)
I mentioned this on my blog page a while back, mostly as an aside, but I figured it would be fun to let you all know here too... we're expecting another baby! :-) Baby is due in May of next year, which will be pretty close to Julia's first birthday, so that's different for us! But we're excited! We are quite blessed by the family God has given us, and looking forward to welcoming another member. :-)
If you'd like some photos, movies and stories from the Campbell family, Jen keeps our family website updated regularly at WeTheCampbells.net.
Briefly, in non-basic news... I continue to do web design and hosting for lots of people now with my web business. I'm also still doing my Buffalo Bills podcast, which hasn't been as fun as it could be this season, being 3-6! :-) We got to interview former Bills player, Steve Tasker just a couple weeks ago. That was fun.
I'm also enjoying being an Authorized Apple Business Agent. I have a website for that as well at GregsApples.com. Hey, speaking of great Christmas gifts... :-) If you are interested in getting an iPod or, better yet, a new Mac for Christmas... lemme know! I do have access to discounts that other Apple places do not. (Not really on iPods, though... unless you're going to buy A LOT!!) But I can help you with information on which is the best one for you. And I'd love to!
So, we're doing well, and excited about all the new stuff God has brought into our lives... including another family member!!! Yippee! :-)
As always, we thank you for your support of our music, our various other endeavors, and our family. It is much appreciated, and every time I write to you it brings a smile to my face. Thanks. :-)
We look forward to seeing you THIS SATURDAY in Webster, if you can make it. Otherwise, hope to see you out there somewhere else.
Don't forget, if you want to read this, or other e-newses online, go to basicmm.com/enews.
See ya out there!
Greg & Jen Campbell