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Our home page: everything basic. |
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Greg's main blog: Fairly frequent philosophical musings from Greg's head. And now a centralized source for all of Greg's Books: gregshead.net/bookstore! |
bwd-graphics.com |
Greg's Day Job: Affordable, completely custom graphic and web design. Web hosting packages available as well. |
GregsApples.com |
If you're into Apple computer products, you can find them here, and support basic with your purchase! Greg is now officially an Apple Authorized Business Agent. GregsApples.com is completely revised, with a regularly updated blog, and even a podcast. It is a great starting place to find the perfect Apple products for you! |
buffalobillsreview.com |
Greg's Fun Side Job: A show by Bills fans, for Bills fans. Greg and co-hosts Josh Bowers and Dave Drake talk Buffalo Bills football. Download the shows from the website or at the iTunes Music Store.

search.gregshead.net |
Start your Amazon.com shopping here! When you go to search.gregshead.net, you can use the search window to look for anything at Amazon, and Amazon will pay us a commission on your purchase! Get some great stuff, at a great price, and help support basic and GregsHead.net! A definite win, win! |
All of Greg's books are now availble in one convenient location. Stop by the new online bookstore today and get a copy of Greg's two new books, Life In The Rearview Mirror, and There's The Steeple... Here's The Church.
Tuesday, Dec 06 - 7:30pm - Webster, NY
Earthtones Coffee House
Last night's event was great (except for my broken capo...) and we're hoping for more tonight as we head out to another familiar locale... Earthtones Coffee in Webster, NY.
We return to Webster for an evening of Christmas music at Earthtones Coffee House. They have some great holiday drinks and a great place to relax and enjoy a beverage, a snack, and some nice music. Come join us for a fun evening at Earthtones!
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Directions: click here for directions
Contact: (585) 671-3060
For the complete listings of upcoming basic events, visit our website calendar at: basicmm.com/calendar
For day #2, we thought you might like to check out Greg's most recent book, There's The Steeple... Here's The Church. The description below is taken from the GregsHead.net Bookstore.
There's The Steeple... Here's The Church (July 2006) |

Do you go to church looking to connect with God and with people, and find that you often leave feeling like you missed out on that very thing? Do you feel like maybe there's more to life with God than what happens in your local church buidling? There is! Jesus spoke of worship being transcendant of a time and place (John 4) and that is true of his church as well. The church was never meant to be located to a time, or a building, or a service... it's the people who belong to Jesus! We are his body, the family of God. The church is so much more than we let it be, and in this book, I explore all sorts of things that God has opened my eyes to over the past several years.
This project means a lot to me, and I hope you'll find encouragement from a fellow traveler within these pages. We published this one on our own, so that we could keep the book price down. We are selling them for $10, but we also offer a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD of the entire book. (Donations are always welcome... click above.) :-)
(NOTE: You can right-click, or Option-click (Mac users) on the link above to download the file, or just click to view online.)
It seems to us that we are missing out on so much of life with God because we are so busy with the many ways we have to serve him! What a crazy paradox! But it's true, and perhaps you have experienced that as well. I encourage you to read this book, and perhaps you'll see again how God is drawing you into the close, personal relationship he wants so much to have with you!
So that's gift idea #2. Idea #3 coming tomorrow!
Thanks all! See ya out there tonight, or sometime this week! And, if you are so inclined, pick up a copy or two of Greg's "Here's The Church" book. :-)
Hey, today is my sister's 30th birthday! She was the original "S" in basic. (Brother And Sister In Christ) Happy Birthday, Tara! :-) I'm not sure I should put her e-mail address in here, but if you reply with a happy bday wish, I'll make sure she gets it. :-)
Don't forget, if you want to read this, or other e-newses online, go to basicmm.com/enews.
See ya out there!
Greg & Jen Campbell